Baby Lucy


Can we just talk about how much I FREAKING LOVE LUCY....

 Lucy is our first Life group baby. We've been in bible study("lifegroup") with Matt and Lisa for 2 years a now and precious little Lucy just became the first infant addition to our group. And sheesh, she sure makes a freaking adorable addition. I cannot even begin to tell you my excitement level as she was growing inside one of my best friends, Lisa, every week. I remember when they announced their pregnancy to us: we all screamed, cried, football tackled each other and then cried some more. I remember feeling her kick for the first time and then proceeding to cry for a good 5 minutes after and then holding my hand on Lisa's tiny belly for an awkwardly long amount of time each time we were together thereafter (HAHA). Then there was the gender reveal party when Matt hit a baseball filled with bright pink powder and the world turned upside down for a second. They werent just going to have a child, they were going to be raising a DAUGHTER. The joy we all experienced that day was unreal. And then, the countless prayers we poured over Lisa, Matt and this precious daughter. Then there was the labor journey and the collective group of us anxiously waiting to get THAT text. That moment was pretty dang rad. What a beautiful journey it has been. She was born August 24th all of 6 pounds 13 ounces. Teeny little lamb. These pics were taken just 6 hours after her delivery (and after I snuggled her to pieces and called her every adorable nickname I could think of in a high pitched baby voice).  

Also just a warning, Lucy will be featured pretty dang often on the MC Morgan site. But for now, I'll leave you with this little gem. 

Belmont, CA

Newborn Session