Melissa, Kale and Dani
Ya'll I am SO excited to tell you about Melissa! This girl is one in a million (FOR REAL). I have known Melissa for about 2 years now and have loved our sweet friendship. She's is one of those people that can turn anyone's mood (however sour) into a good one. She'll flip your worst days into sunshines and rainbows and make you smile from ear to ear within 5 minutes. She's bubbly, outgoing, beautiful and a super awesome mom. She's also an insanely hard worker. She went to LVN school shortly after high school (while she had an infant at home). Now, she's about to graduate nursing school and become an RN (while working AND taking care of two adorable kids). WATCH OUT WORLD because she's about to make all other RN's look like scrubs (lol I'm pretty proud of that pun). I love this friend of mine and I am so happy I got to capture her previous family. Her daughers, Kale and Dani, are just like their momma: sweet, beautiful and SO fun to be around. So grab some tissues and scroll through this precious mother daughter(s) session.
Also #familygoals #motherhoodgoals #hairgoals #facegoals #sisterhoodgoals #allthegoalssszzzzz
***Side note! If you are heart eyes over the adorable flower crowns let me know! They can be added onto any photography session for $20 a piece***

Super stoked on family sessions? Click below for more cuteness!!!